Level 1: Introducing Metaversus

How to get started in Play-To-Earn, crypto gaming, and presenting a new frame for value and ownership

Welcome to Metaversus.

Metaversus is a commitment to investigating the play-to-earn and play-and-earn phenomenon, and to study the implications on play, and how work, play, and gaming intersect.

Metaversus is a portmaneau of meta and versus and a play on metaverse.

Meta: self-referential, referring to an ability to zoom out. See: metaphysics, metagame.

Versus: incorporating a competitive element into these video games, yomi to create a constant state of flow, progression and challenge.

And finally, Metaverse is the sum of all virtual spaces, and crypto-games are the first of many games to allow value transfer across those spaces.

On Metaversus, we’ll write guides to orient ourselves around Play-To-Earn, Play-And-Earn and how it compares to other monetization models, what this means for video gamers (on all platforms, starting from the web), and what this means broadly for value transfer.

We’ll bring a multidisciplinary lens to analyzing the metaverse. We’ll adopt a game designer’s frame. We’ll dive into discussions of cryptocurrency and crypto-economic incentives, philosophy around NFTs, monetization models for games, and how one can get ahead of the trend of Play-To-Earn and Play-and-Earn games.

The goal of Metaversus will be to help bring in 100,000 new users into this era of gaming, and to help set out a more equitable blueprint for video game monetization.











